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SIE Technologies: Security Solutions Wholesaler

Our services

Optimal security solutions

SIE offers a wide range of advanced security solutions from market-leading product and service providers. They help protect your organization's networks, systems and users. On this page we present some of the solutions preferred by our customers.

Security: What do we offer?


Soluciones de ciberseguridad avanzada que protegen contra virus, ransomware (secuestro de datos contra pago de rescate), exploits (software diseñado para aprovechar una vulnerabilidad en un sistema informático) y otros ataques complejos, cubriendo las necesidades de seguridad de empresas de cualquier sector y tamaño

Active Audit

File auditing and monitoring solutions allow you to know who has accessed which files and what actions have been performed on them. SIE offers auditing and monitoring solutions for both servers and workstations.

Encryption and Data Protection

SIE offers various solutions to protect data through advanced encryption, whether through file or disk encryption, IRM solutions, or hardware encryption of USB devices.

Data Classification

Data Classification identifies sensitive or confidential information and assigns labels to the files, documents, and communications that contain it. As a result, it facilitates compliance with information security policies, generates a security culture in the organization, and maximizes the use of automated data protection systems, such as DLP or encryption systems.

DLP Data Loss Prevention

Protecting confidential information and ensuring compliance with security policies is of vital importance for organizations in today's risk environment, and to this end, SIE provides DLP (Data Loss Prevention) solutions that allow monitoring, analyzing and controlling information entering or leaving the organization through different means: email, web, instant messaging, USB ports, and others.

Vulnerability Management

Scanning for vulnerability detection and verification of compliance with security policies in the organization's most important infrastructures.

Encryption and Data Protection

SIE offers various solutions to protect data through advanced encryption, whether through file or disk encryption, IRM solutions, or hardware encryption of USB devices.

Employee Activity Monitoring

Monitoring tools allow the organization to have complete visibility into the actions performed by employees on the organization's computers, resulting in increased productivity and security.

NAC Network Access Control

SIE implements NAC (Network Access Control) solutions that ensure that all devices comply with policies established by the organization before connecting to the corporate network; if they do not, they will not be able to interact with other network elements as long as the non-compliance persists.

Perimeter Security

Perimeter security is about protecting a network from external threats by blocking risky connections while allowing authorized connections to access in a timely manner. It also includes additional security features for network management and application servers.

Seguridad de Correo Electrónico

Soluciones para el gateway de internet que van más allá de las funciones básicas de antivirus y antispam en el correo electrónico, aportando una protección más avanzada al establecer políticas de seguridad y de “uso aceptable” para estos recursos.

SIEM Security Information Event Management

SIEM (Security Incident and Infrastructure Management) solutions identify, analyze and prioritize security events within the network. The range of tools included goes from log collectors to SIEM configuration to meet the most demanding security standards.


Optimal solutions for protected networks

SIE offers network solutions from leading manufacturers, aimed at networks of any type and size.

Our team of specialists helps organizations identify and configure the solution that best suits their needs.

Modern Office

WI-FI Wireless Networks

SIE offers various solutions to implement, integrate and protect wireless networks of any size and architecture.

We carry out implementations for both small and medium-sized organizations as well as for large organizations that require advanced management and security features.


Switchers, routers and network elements

SIE offers high-performance, fully integrated and secure MSP solutions, ready to be implemented by small and medium-sized service providers.

Digital Network

Network monitoring and management

Solutions to monitor, manage and optimize network infrastructure that:

  • They make the work of network administrators easier,

  • Improve the end-user experience and

  • They help detect potential problems before they affect users.


Soluciones de última generación
SIE ofrece un portafolio de  soluciones de última generación para administrar sistemas críticos e infraestructuras de centros de datos de corporativos y de dependencias públicas. 

Aportamos soluciones novedosas que incluyen el almacenamiento extensible y las soluciones de hiperconvergencia “Data Center in a Box” para virtualización, así como una colección de herramientas muy interesante para los administradores de sistemas.


Storage and disaster recovery

Reliable and scalable storage and disaster recovery solutions, accessible and adaptable to any client size.

Storage options are useful for critical virtualization environments and for managing unstructured data (files) in rapidly growing environments.

Backup and disaster recovery solutions, on the other hand, protect files, servers and applications using advanced technology that enables reliable backup and rapid recovery of services in the event of a disaster (disaster recovery), even in the most difficult circumstances, thus ensuring business continuity.


Hyper-convergence and virtualization

Server virtualization and VDI solutions that reduce costs and improve the management of servers, applications and critical systems with great efficiency.

It also allows you to take advantage of the Data Center infrastructure to create virtual environments and access applications, work environments and data.


Software factory

Unlike software development companies, software factories are distinguished by offering a high professional level at more competitive costs.

This is possible because they manage scalable processes and hire human talent in different parts of the world.

In this way, organizations have the possibility of having customized software solutions that satisfy their operational needs and customer service needs.


Managed file transfer

MFT solutions enable you to manage file transfers between users, offices and data centers in a secure and reliable manner.

SIE's advanced automation tools allow you to set up fully automatic systems for file transfer.

IT Service Management

The ITSM solutions offered by SIE help standardize IT processes, optimizing resources and greatly facilitating the work of technicians.

As a result, the end-user experience is significantly improved and IT costs are reduced.

Call Center Employee

Customer Service Centers (Service Desk)

Browsing Cellphone Options

Gestión de dispositivos móviles (MDM)

Data Cloud

Administración de Directorio Activo

SIE's customer service solutions adhere to ITIL best practices and can be tailored to the client organization's requirements to range from simple incident management to a complete technical support or service delivery solution based on ITIL standards.

SIE offers solutions to manage, configure and protect the organization's mobile devices over the Internet, applying the security and usage policies established by the organization.

Microsoft Active Directory provides authentication to each instance that attempts to access domain resources in your organization's infrastructure.

Most large companies use Active Directory to manage account privileges, which is absolutely essential to keeping information secure.

Managing and securing Active Directory has traditionally been an extremely complex task requiring constant attention and a high level of knowledge and experience, hence the importance of having Active Directory management software.

Organized Files

Automated inventory of networks and systems

Gestión centralizada de PCs y servidores

SIE offers solutions for monitoring network infrastructures that allow users to know the status of servers, routers, applications and critical infrastructure systems, as well as detect potential problems and alert about them through reports and automatic notifications.

Solutions for managing PCs, servers and other network elements, including automatic inventory, configuration management, application control and automatic software installation. In all cases, it allows the establishment and enforcement of organizational standards and policies.

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Solutions for specific sectors

SIE offers solutions and tools that cover the needs of different areas of the current technological market, all of them from top-level manufacturers that adapt to the management requirements of each client and that allow the service provider to differentiate its offer and provide added value compared to its competition. Some of the most outstanding areas are indicated on this page.

Service Providers (MSP)

Service Providers (MSPs) are a key player in today’s complex technology environment, as many organizations, regardless of size, choose to outsource the management and optimization of their IT environments to specialized third parties.

SIE solutions help service providers differentiate their offering, build customer loyalty, reduce costs and optimize the marketing of their services.

Corporate and large accounts

SIE offers various solutions for large companies, many of which are leaders in their respective markets.

They are robust, scalable products with the ideal technology for projects of any size in the most demanding organizations.

Strategic facilities and critical infrastructure must be protected according to their importance, which requires products that meet the most critical and demanding security needs. For this reason, SIE provides various tailored monitoring and cyber surveillance solutions for public and private organizations.

Soluciones para Teletrabajo

SIE represents top-tier manufacturers that provide the tools necessary to ensure that access from any device and location is secure and covers all the requirements that every company needs to be able to work from anywhere.

Solutions for public safety

The increase in crime can only be addressed through a comprehensive approach that uses strategy, technology and intelligence as operational bases for restoring peace to society.

Our Public Safety solutions allow states and municipalities to expand their operational and strategic capabilities using technology and an actionable intelligence approach for decision-making.

Actionable intelligence for decision making

Analysis and targeting

1. Analysis and design

3. Monitoring and evaluation

  • Dashboard

  • Impact measurement


2. Solutions and services

4. Implementation

  • Training

  • Operation of processes and systems

Proceso de inteligencia accionable

Development of a diagnosis and intelligence strategy to identify the specific actions that must be implemented to generate a more effective impact

  • Process map for decision making
  • Analysis of socio-demographic situation
  • Matrix of strategic instruments
  • Heat maps by type of crime
  • Best Practices Matrix
  • Guidelines for operational deployment
  • Impact measurement

Diferencias de Nuestra inteligencia Accionable

  • Comprehensive processes

  • Technical and technological sophistication

  • Extensive experience in security and public policies

  • Exploitation of technology and information processing

  • The most notable technical team in Mexico and Latin America for security analysis

  • Police management software

Operation Technology

Total operation platform

License Plate Recognition

Face recognition

  • Motor de reconocimiento basado en redes neuronales y plantillas

  • Algoritmos nativos avanzados elimina la necesidad de sensores físicos.

  • Versiones para baja y alta velocidad disponibles

  • Capacidad de reconocimiento a velocidades de hasta 250 km/h

  • Capacidad para utilizar una sola camara para detectar placas en multiples carriles

  • Integración con sistemas de control de tráfico, peaje, estacionamientos

  • Detección de velocidad, detección de viaje, color, marca, modelo

  • Facil conexión con bases de datos externas / listas negras

  • Completo kit de desarrollo API/SDK para integrarse con sistemas de terceros

Suite de análisis situacional


Significant reduction in operator load: constant monitoring of all control areas is not necessary, minimizing the influence of the human factor.

  • Databases of unlimited size

  • Algorithms based on convolutional neural networks

  • High level of recognition in a wide range of external conditions (camera angle, insufficient and changing lighting, heavy rain, snow)

  • Multi-factor authentication

  • Forensic search

  • Blacklist Management

  • Phishing Detection

  • Multifactor Authentication

  • Linking event evidence to video

  • Complete API/SDK toolkit to integrate with third-party systems to provide business process support (ERP, SCADA, PSIM, etc.)

Reconocimiento de contenedores

El Reconocimiento de Contenedores con AI es una solución tecnológica innovadora diseñada para optimizar la gestión y supervisión de operaciones en entornos de transporte y logística. Utilizando algoritmos de visión por computadora y técnicas avanzadas de aprendizaje automático, esta tecnología tiene la capacidad de analizar de manera eficiente grandes conjuntos de datos visuales para identificar, rastrear y clasificar contenedores de carga en tiempo real.

Detection of traffic violations

This technology uses advanced algorithms to analyse images and videos captured by traffic surveillance cameras, accurately and efficiently identifying violations committed by drivers in real time.

Deep learning/

artificial intelligence

Custom solutions leveraging deep learning/artificial intelligence for security purposes.

Situational Analytics

  • Crowd detection
  • Detection of forgotten objects
  • Intrusion detection
  • Dwell time detection
  • Line crossing detection
  • Loitering Detection
  • Detection of people running
  • Object counter
  • Smoke detection
  • Detection of movement in the opposite direction
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Differentiators of our platform

  • Fully configurable platform focused on specific needs. The platform can be extremely simple or can be developed to be highly advanced.

  • Ability to integrate and analyze access control systems, intrusion, fire detection, industrial machinery, as well as third-party devices; presents information in a simple, unified user interface

  • Scalable – from a single mission-critical camera to thousands of devices at a single or multiple sites.

  • Native video analytics built into the platform can be enabled as required.

  • Always up to date with the cybersecurity requirements demanded by the market.

  • 100% native high availability architecture that guarantees greater integration and robustness against serious hardware failures.

Penitentiary Security

Integration of all technological security systems for the detection and timely response to events that could represent threats to security in penitentiary centers.


Facial recognition

Identification of plates

Exclusion of areas (perimeter roads)

Object Identification

Analytical video

Access Control

Security doors and accessories.

Electronic safety components.

Optical and vehicular barriers.

Biometric terminals.

Perimeter Security

The perimeter security system includes all solutions focused on protecting the site's exterior areas.

Its objective is to contain and detain individuals within it.

Security Cameras

Detection of objects and substances

Use of technology to detect prohibited objects or substances.

Centro de Control e Integración 

Comprende la Integración de todos los Sistemas Tecnológicos de Seguridad por medio de la implementación de una plataforma de Software que permitan la administración, monitoreo y control de los mismos, abarcando en su totalidad las 13 partidas de tecnología.

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Road safety and mobility in urban areas and highways

Telephone and visits

Application of technology so that the prison population can use telephone and televisits.

Redes de Datos

Diseño e implementación de redes LAN y WAN

Administración de infraestructura de red

Monitoreo de infraestructura de red multiplataforma

IT Services

All your IT and printing needs covered, with the right service levels.


Secure intercom systems

Energy and smart building management

Using smart technology for energy and prison facilities management.

Security Guard in Surveillance Room

Secure radio communication

Shielded radio systems communication lines

Cellular Inhibition

The Cellular Jamming System is a radio frequency device that intentionally transmits signals in specific spectrum bands with the aim of impacting, blocking, interfering with or saturating the communication services of mobile users.

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